Dear future me……

While exploring other blogs I cam across this one from Lauren which discusses prac and how exhausting, yet rewarding the experience is. She also shared the YouTube clip above where teachers have written themselves a letter for their first day. I think that this is a wonderful idea and would not mind actually doing this for myself as I think it would be a great tribute to all the reasons I love this profession and why I started this degree in the first place. The teachers in the clip discuss who hard the first day can be, and I find myself relating to this each and every prac I go on, its a new school, new set of students and new routines and by the end of the first day you are completely exhausted and do question if this career path is right for you, but by the end of prac I always find myself wishing I had more time in the classroom as I have enjoyed it so much and love teaching. At this point in my degree (2 and a half years deep) I am finding myself starting to become really ready for this career and everything that it will have to offer, my passion has taken over my fear and even though I know there will always be challenges and days I will want to give up at the end of the day I will always get up, dust myself off and get ready for the next day cause that is what we do for the things we love!

I think writing a little letter to our future selves is something that we all should try as a confidence builder and motivator….maybe something to think about 🙂

Until next time


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